Rabbit Heart 2015 Poetry Film Festival

Are you looking for tickets to the 2015 shows? You can pick them up right here =)

Welcome back to a new year of the Rabbit Heart Poetry Film Festival, sister! Presented by Doublebunny Press and based out of Worcester, MA*, the name just fits.

This film festival is about bringing together poetry and the visual arts at the intersection of film.** Anyone can make a video of a poet reading a poem, but that’s not what Rabbit Heart is all about. What we’re looking for is what can be done visually with a poem, without showing performance.*** The poem can be the soundtrack, and the springboard for what happens visually – show, don’t tell is the rule.

And we are rewarding awesome work! Yes, really! Rabbit Heart will be awarding prizes at the viewing party in October! Best Overall Picture will win $200, and there will be $100 prizes in categories for Best Animation, Best Music in a Video, Best Phone/ Smartphone Production, Best Under 1 Minute, and Best Valentine.

Did I mention the viewing party and awards ceremony? Yes, that’s right – this will be our second year at Nick’s Bar, where there will be a rollicking good screening party on October 11th. Winners will be announced, popcorn will  be served, and the guests will be glamorous! OMG, SO MUCH FUN! You can see the pictures from the 2014 party on the Show page, and view the finalists’ videos on our YouTube page. (DVDs are available, too, in the store.)


*The Heart of Massachusetts, natch.

**Ok ok, video. Or that digital place where pictures dance pretty to sound. You know, like a movie.

***No performance! No one reading the poem. Not even a little bit. Upworthy’s got that covered, they do it right and delightfully. It’s just not what’s going on here.

Doublebunny is proud to announce that we have been awarded a grant from the state this year – here’s the dish:

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Worcester Arts Council, a local agency which is supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.

30 Responses to Rabbit Heart 2015 Poetry Film Festival

  1. Pingback: Film Festival Whut | Apple Tells All

  2. Pingback: Next Up! | worcesterpoetsasylum

  3. Just a clarifying question …

    I understand … no poetry reading performance. Message received.

    So the poem … the text of the poem … is it ok to show that on the video? Can the text of the poetry be read aloud on the video (not being performed) ?

    It would help me if I could share 1 or 2 examples of poetry video that fits this criteria …perhaps from another poetry film festival?

    • Hi, Michael!
      My best answer is that you should let the poem be the soundtrack to your film – this is about the poem, after all =)

      For super good stuff that fits the guidelines, you can google up the Rachel McKibbens poem Last Love or the Sou MacMillan poem Michael Revisited. But, really, how you do it is up to you – if you want to use sound or if you even want to use text instead of sound – it’s a wide open field to play on! Enjoy yourself, play around, just don’t show us a poet performing the poem. Most of all, have fun with the exploration.


  4. Thank you, that helps. I have an idea … just wanted to make sure it fits with this. ….

  5. Pingback: Doublebunny Press

  6. Pingback: Two calls for submissions: Rabbit Heart Poetry Film Festival and Art Visuals & Poetry Festival | Moving Poems Forum

  7. Pingback: On Asking | Apple Tells All

  8. alfred says:

    Somehow I missed this but, WHEN will the festival take place?

  9. Pingback: A Good Moment, Awake | Apple Tells All

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  11. zeehaenfilms says:

    I’ve recently completed a short film which is a collection of three poems, called (suitably) “Three Poems”. I got excited about entering this, but then realised that the duration is three times longer than the limit… should I enter the film anyway?

    • Hey, Jake!

      Osm news about your film! I have to tell you, tho’, that 12 minutes is going to be way to long for RHPFF. Your best bet would be to edit that baby down to one poem, and get in – 4 minutes guarantees that your good work won’t get disqualified.


  12. Pingback: Are You Making Your Movie? | worcesterpoetsasylum

  13. cc arshagra says:

    So (for all concerned, self included) 1.) the rules are “One poem per poet” period., or per ‘Category’ ? or …? i.e. “YOUR SUBMISSION”. 2.) As much as i wish to and can offer to promote this awesome FF … lo and behold, I question a conflict may be if i do so and submit. Please advise. I get the process is blind. I thought of it being a moot point –waiting till after the dead line or before the event–, yet the conflict may still remain the point in question. Thanks, take your time answering if you wish to bounce it around for feedback. Love-Love poetry, CC

    • Hi, CC!

      There are no limitations on submissions – a filmmaker or poet may submit more than one film, for sure. They must be packaged separately, tho’, and each should have its own forms filled out (the one on the submission page and the printed google doc that mails with the dvd). Also you should know, if one is submitting a film to a particular category, that does not disqualify the film from other categories; if the judges find that a film has both great animation and great music, for example, that film would be in the running for both the Best Animation category and the Best Sound/Music category. Submitting into a particular category gives us at the office a heads-up about your film, and helps us pre-sort the mail.

      I’m not sure what you’re referring to in terms of conflict of interests, but do feel free to get in touch with me by email if you need any clarification – that’s what I’m here for (I’m not a judge, just the admin). applebatiks at gmail dot com is the best address to get in touch with me.


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  19. deepak says:

    how does one submit a poetry film and what are the sumission date dealines?

  20. Pingback: 2015 | Poetryfilmkanal

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